The best investment you can do, is in yourself!

You are in the drivers seat of your own life. You just have to start somewhere. Why not start with a coach?

I help you reach your personal goals within business, life or just your social media brand. I can help you launch a podcast and so much more. I want you to reach your full potential.

Are you ready?

The coaching

Over a period of 2-4 months, with 8 sessions in total, I will coach you to reach any goal. Each session lasts for 50 minutes and you will recieve tools, thoughtpatterns and excercises to do in between every session. My goal is to see as much personal development as possible within the time frame we have.

My coaching is very specific towards every individual and I’m coaching you based on your values, goals and the state you’re in.

Sounds interesting? Book a free 30 minute call to discover what we can do together!

Photo: Rune Petter Ness, Adresseavisen


For over 20 years I have felt that something was missing, I couldn't find my place. I took an education I didn't really want and jobs I wasn't particularly motivated to take. When I became a real estate agent I knew that I was on the right path, but there was still something missing. I am coming from an entrepreneurial family and I have always visualized being my own boss. Find my scene and my show.

It wasn't until I met you, Henriette, that I found my true passion in life. When we had our first coaching session in February, I knew that I wanted something more, but not what. Already in my first lesson with you (!!), you made me see my own strengths and figure out where the path should go next. "You can teach others to sell" you said! Just two weeks later, I quit my job and started my own company, Sales by her AS, where I now work as a sales trainer! It is absolutely crazy! Now I'm sitting here 3 months later with paying customers, a large network within the industry, my own course and the best feeling in the world! I am FINALLY my own boss with my OWN company!

It was you who made me dare, to dare to go further and to find my passion. You focused on my strengths, how to achieve my goals, how to succeed as a female entrepreneur. I'm sitting here crying out of joy, because without you, I would still be wondering, still despairing with the thought that I'm meant to do something else in this world. You found it in me, you made me see what I'm good at!

I am eternally grateful that I met you - a raw, passionate, motivating, and skilled woman who knows what you are doing. You know how to get the best out of me and how I can achieve my goals.

You saved me.

- Kristine Himle, Founder of Salesbyher & Owner of

“Having Henriette as a coach has been a delight! She has helped me change my mindset, create a concrete plan to reach my goals, and put things that have come up along the way more into perspective. It's good to feel that someone is cheering for you, wants the best for you, and pushes you through challenges because she knows that YOU can do it. I am forever grateful for the tools and experiences I have gained. This is a woman who knows what she's doing and how you can reach your goals. I have looked forward to every coaching session and highly recommend Businesshenriette. You won't find a better coach anywhere else.”

- Karianne Fimland, Founder of Klatrefysio & independent physiotherapist.

February 2 of 2023 I reached out to Henriette on Instagram. I was already following her, and knew she did coaching, but honestly I was a bit sceptical to it all. I had already started to form a plan to start my own business. Even though I knew my plan wasn’t perfect, I thought “slow and steady wins the game” and that I didn’t need anybody to help with that. On monday february 13th we had our first coaching-session, and I never looked back after that. 

As I mentioned I already had a plan, but it was all over the place, with every task and goal being equal in importance and kind of blending together, and I had a hard time prioritizing. Henriette really helped me know how to prioritize and clarify what is important to me, and the road forward. 

She also helped me get to know myself and what is really important for me in my life. These core values have become my guidelines in all aspects of my life, and through them I stand strong in my choices. All the insecurities I felt before, and the feeling of having to defend my choices are gone. Because my core values resonate so much with who I want to be and who I identify as, I lean on, and find security in those rather than other peoples opinions. 

I can’t recommend Henriette enough. Maybe a little extra for you who’s sceptical! 

- Hege Søstuen, Founder of Hegesart

Henriette approached me on Instagram one day, and I thought, «wow, who is this energy bomb of a girl?» We scheduled a digital talk, and she convinced me to become a coaching client. I started listening to her podcast and I discovered that this was a woman that I wanted to get to know better.

Henriette is kind, passionate and humble. She is ambitious, funny and smart. I absolutely recommend working with Henriette. She will inspire you and motivate you to just keep going. In one of her speeches, she says, «I wanted to speak in front of people. And so I did. I wanted to start my own business. And so I did.» She just did. She convinces you that there is nothing in life that you can’t do.

If you ever get the chance to work with Henriette, my only advice is, just to do it. You won’t regret it.

- Tina Kasin, CEO Montage AS

I began following Henriette on LinkedIn after coming across a post where she announced her departure from a traditional job role to become a full-time entrepreneur. I was utterly fascinated by her courage and determination and was eager to learn more about her journey. Therefore, I reached out to her, which eventually led to her becoming my coach.

My first coaching session with her was a revelation. I arrived, ready to plunge into the practicalities of how to generate wealth and sustain a livelihood through entrepreneurship. However, she gently shifted the conversation to a more introspective direction. "Let's talk about you," she said, "Who are you, and what are your values and vision in life?" At first, I was confident that I had a clear understanding of myself. However, when tasked to articulate it on paper, it took me hours of writing and rewriting. The goal was to encapsulate my true essence and genuine aspirations accurately.

 Henriette is a warm individual, with a radiant smile and a big heart. Her guidance was a crucial source of motivation for me to get up and take action. In our final session, she encouraged me with her wise words, "You already have all that you need within you, just go ahead and put it into action. Keep doing what you love and surround yourself with the type of people you aspire to be. And most importantly, remember to enjoy the journey.

- Sumeya Aden, Founder & CEO of Num Nummy AS

Having Henriette as a coach has been a journey. A journey that started with discovering more about my personality and aligning my whys and goals to it. It was a very thoughtful insight for me and helped me to move forward, stop beating myself up if I didn’t achieve a goal and understood the importance of prioritising my steps towards building my business.

Henriette supported me thru the whole journey of opening my own company as a personal trainer and online coach. Lots of ups and downs but it’s all worth it. She is an incredibly motivating woman with a positive attitude and mindset 🤗 she lit up every room she enters and rise the vibrations ☀️💃🏻

- Dora Antal, Founder of Fitbyadora

Jeg tok kontakt med Henriette i april -23, fordi jeg hadde endret på min jobbsituasjon noen måneder i forveien for å frigjøre tid til og finne et givende sideprosjekt, uten at jeg hadde kommet noe videre på egenhånd. Jeg kjente på at dagene fløy forbi, uten at jeg klarte å utrette noe. Jeg var «stuck in a mental rut», og opplevde at jeg drev med unngåelsesatferd. Der kom Henriette inn som den stjernen hun er og snudde opp ned på situasjonen. Henriette hjalp meg med å ta et steg tilbake, og finne ut hva jeg brenner for basert på mine verdier. Jeg endte opp med å gå i en helt annen retning enn det jeg så for meg da jeg startet opp med coachingforløpet. Hadde det ikke vært for Henriette hadde jeg enten ikke klart å komme i gang med et sideprosjekt, eller startet noe som ikke hadde vært like rett for meg.

Coachingtimene med Henriette har både vært utfordrende og motiverende. Hun pusher deg akkurat passe. I tillegg er hun en gledesspreder som gjør at man ser frem til hver coachingtime. Henriette er god til å få ut det beste i en, og jeg kan trygt anbefale henne som coach.

- Vh. Rose Marie Moss, @turlegen

Verdens beste coaching!

Jeg har hatt min beste livsendring i tiden jeg hadde coaching med Henriette. Henriette har gitt så mye personlig veiledning og råd at mine karriere har hatt en enormt god start. Jeg fikk virkelig god hjelp til å finne den røde tråden i mitt arbeide. Når jeg selv slet med å finne mine gode sider hjalp Henriette meg til å finne ut hva jeg burde satse litt mer på. Noen ganger har man tanker som kan være litt destruktive i sin karriere eller liv, uten at man selv vet om det. Henriette hjelper virkelig til med å sette tanker på plass og finne ord på ting. Henriette er rett frem ærlig, og ga meg feecbacken jeg trengte. Det er lett å være personlig med Henriette fordi hun selv er åpen om sitt liv. 

Takket være Henriette har jeg nå funnet min vei i karrieren, og jeg elsker det!

- Anniken Inderdal, Influencer og UGC-creator @anniken_inderdal

8 samtaler med Henriette skulle vise seg å bli viktigere enn antatt. Det ble den viktigste investeringen jeg gjorde for meg selv som kommende grunder, nettopp fordi Henriette stilte en rekke spørsmål som utfordret meg til å tenke annerledes, nytt eller rett og slett for å få meg til å gå i dybden av ting. Det er mentalt utfordrende å starte for seg selv, men med Henriette som hjalp meg med å få på plass verdiene mine, målene mine og hva jeg faktisk kan tilby, så ble veien så mye klarere. Som en kreativ person kan alle mine ideer både være med på å konstant utvikle ideer, men samtidig var det så mye jeg ville og jeg gikk litt i "veien" for meg selv. Dette fikk jeg raskt hjelp til med veiledning i form av gode spørsmål og endring av enkelte tankemønstre. Henriette er direkte, men med varme. Hun har heiet på meg og Toastmistress fra dag 1, og det å ha en slags mentor som har tråkket litt vei før deg har vært avgjørende for å få bedriften på beina raskere enn antatt. Jeg er stødigere og tryggere i meg selv som grunder, og har tatt sjanser og avgjørelser jeg ikke hadde våget før. Alle som skal starte opp for første gang eller som står fast, anbefaler jeg å bruke en Coach. Tusen takk for din energi, veiledning og alle heiarop Henriette! 

- Silje Skolmo Johansen, CEO & Founder of Toastmistress

Henriette hadde coaching med meg høsten 2023. Den sprudlende personligheten hennes, kombinert med hennes egen imponerende gründerreise var årsaken til at jeg tok kontakt når hun først la ut en Instagram historie om at hun hadde noen ledige plasser til coaching. Jeg ville lære av noen som har gått veien før meg, og som jeg ser opp til. Det har jeg definitivt fått gjennom noen supre coaching økter med Henriette.

Hun har ikke bare hjulpet meg å finne ut hva verdiene mine faktisk er, men også å se livet og bedriften min i lys av dem. Hvordan jeg påvirkes av de når jeg tar beslutninger, hvordan jeg reagerer og hvorfor når jeg må gjøre noe som ikke er en god match med mine verdier. Det har hjulpet meg å finne retning og en slags "ledestjerne" for veien videre.

Henriette hjalp meg også veldig med en rekke mindset-blocks iløpet av de månedene vi jobbet sammen, og var i tillegg en stor motivator for meg i denne perioden.

Jeg kan varmt anbefale Henriette som business coach for gründere og andre som ønsker å gå en litt annerledes vei 🤍

- Sara Skaslien Paulsen, CEO & Founder of Paulsen Designstudio



by Antenna.mp4

  • The power of having someone that believes in YOU

    Henriette Einevoll Husby

  • Find your purpose and inner calmness?

  • Turn a hobby into something more?

  • Build your brand even stronger online?

  • Launch your own business?

  • Launch you own podcast?

  • Let me help you!


Dream it

Build it

Grow it

Dream it • Build it • Grow it •